Basic Tips To Keep Safe On The Slopes
Respect Others - A skiÂer or snowÂboardÂer must beÂhave in such a way that he or she does not enÂdanÂger or prejÂuÂdice others.
ConÂtrol your speed - Every skiÂer or snowÂboardÂer must move in conÂtrol. He must adapt the speed and manÂnÂer of skiÂing or snowÂboardÂing to his perÂsoÂnÂal abilÂiÂty and to the preÂvailÂing conÂdiÂtions of terÂrain, snow and weather.
Route - A skiÂer or snowÂboardÂer comÂing from beÂhind must choose his route in such a way not to enÂdanÂger skiers or snowÂboardÂers ahead
Overtaking - A skiÂer or snowÂboardÂer may overÂtake another skiÂer or snowÂboardÂer above or beÂlow and to the right or to the left proÂvidÂed that he leaves enough space for the overÂtakÂen.
EnÂterÂing, startÂing and movÂing upÂwards - A skier or snowboarder enÂterÂing a marked run, startÂing again afÂter stopÂping or movÂing upÂwards on the slopes must look up and down the slopes that he can do so without enÂdanÂgering himself or others.
Stopping - UnÂless abÂsoÂluteÂly neÂcesÂsary, a skier or snowÂboardÂer must avoid stopÂping on the piste in narÂrow places or where visÂiÂbilÂiÂty is reÂstrictÂed. After a fall in such a place, a skier or snowboarder must move and clear the slope as soon as posÂsiÂble.
ClimbÂing and deÂsÂcendÂing on foot - A skiÂer or snowÂboardÂer eiÂther climbÂing or deÂsÂcendÂing on foot must keep to the side of the slope.
ReÂspect for signs and markings - Skiers and snowÂboardÂers must reÂspect all signs and markÂings.
Assistance - At accidents, evÂery skiÂer or snowÂboardÂer is duÂty bound to asÂsist.